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Personal Savings Account

Personal Savings SavingsChildYouthNon-Interest Bearing SavingsHoliday
Minimum Deposit to Open Account $10 $10$10$10$10
Minimum Balance to Avoid Service Fee $0 $10$10 N/A $0
Service Fee (If minimum daily balance not met)$0 $2$2$5 N/A
Service charge per check in excess of 50 per statement periodN/A N/AN/A $5 $5
Service charge per Bill Pay item in excess of 50 per calendar monthYes No No No No
Non-Sufficient funds (NSF) fee$2 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Returned check fee - Per check returned from a deposit$5$5$5$5$5
Inactive fee**$5$5$5$5$5
**To avoid this fee, generate activity (deposit, withdrawal, funds transfer, digital banking login, etc.) on any account within a 730-day (2-year) period or maintain a combined balance of $250 or more on deposit at the Credit Union.”

Money Market Account

Money Market Fee
Minimum Deposit to Open Account $500
Minimum Balance to Avoid Service Fee $500
Service Fee (if minimum balance not met)$5
Service charge per check in excess of 50 per calendar monthN/A
Service charge per BillPay item in excess of 50 per calendar monthN/A
Non-Sufficient funds (NSF) fee N/A
Returned check fee - Per check returned from a deposit$5
Inactive fee**$5
**To avoid this fee, generate activity (deposit, withdrawal, funds transfer, digital banking login, etc.) on any account within a 730-day (2-year) period or maintain a combined balance of $250 or more on deposit at the Credit Union.”

IRA / SEP Account

Minimum Deposit to Open Account $25
Minimum Balance to Avoid Service Fee $10
Service Fee (if minimum daily balance not met)$2
Non-Sufficient funds (NSF) feeN/A
Returned Check Fee – Per check returned from a deposit$5
Inactive fee No

Personal Checking Account

Personal CheckingCheckingCash Account Youth Checking
Minimum Deposit to Open Account $0 $0 $0
Minimum Balance to Avoid Service Fee $250 N/A N/A
Service Fee (if minimum daily balance not met)$2 $2 $0
Service Charge per Check in Excess of 50 per Statement Period $1N/A N/A
Service Charge per BillPay – Item in Excess of 50 per Calendar Month N/AN/AN/A
Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Fee – After NSF Fee Free Days used $20 N/A $20
Returned Check Fee – Per Check Deposited $5 $5 $5
Inactive fee**$5 $5 $5
**To avoid this fee, generate activity (deposit, withdrawal, funds transfer, digital banking login, etc.) on any account within a 730-day (2-year) period or maintain a combined balance of $250 or more on deposit at the Credit Union.”

Other Fees

ATM, Debit and Cash Account Fee
Reissue Card Replacement Fee$0
Lost Card Replacement Fee$10
In-network ATM Fee (LCCU ATMs)$0
Out-of-network ATM Completed Transaction Fee$0.75
Out-of-network ATM incomplete / Incomplete transaction$0.35
Internal Transaction Fee 1%
Card Rush Delivery fee$15


Micro-businessSavingsMoney Market Checking
Minimum Deposit to Open Account $100 $1,000$100
Minimum Balance to Avoid Service Fee $100 $1,000 N/A
Service Fee (if minimum daily balance not met)$8 $8 $8
Service Charge per Check in Excess of 50 per Statement Period N/AN/A$1
Service Charge per BillPay Item in Excess of 50 per Calendar Month N/A N/A N/A
Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) FeeN/A N/A $20
Returned Check Fee – Per Check Deposited $5 $5 $5
Inactive fee**$5$5$5
**To avoid this fee, generate activity (deposit, withdrawal, funds transfer, digital banking login, etc.) on any account within a 730-day (2-year) period or maintain a combined balance of $250 or more on deposit at the Credit Union.”


Non-ProfitsSavingsMoney Market Checking
Minimum Deposit to Open Account $10 $1,000$500
Minimum Balance to Avoid Service Fee $10 $1,000 N/A
Service Fee $2$8 N/A
Service Charge per Check in Excess of 50 per Statement Period N/AN/A$1
Service Charge per BillPay Item in Excess of 50 per Calendar Month N/A N/A N/A
Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Fee – After NSF Fee Free Days used N/A N/A $20
Returned Check Fee – Per Check Deposited $5 $5 $5
Inactive fee**$5$5$5
**To avoid this fee, generate activity (deposit, withdrawal, funds transfer, digital banking login, etc.) on any account within a 730-day (2-year) period or maintain a combined balance of $250 or more on deposit at the Credit Union.”

Credit Cards

Credit CardsFee
Visa® Annual Fee $0
Late Payment Fee is up to$10
Over Limit Fee $0
Cash Advance Fee $0

Miscellaneous Charges

Miscellaneous ChargesFee
Check/Statement Copies - per request* $2
Cashier's Check Purchase $3
Notary Service $0
Application/Renewal of ITIN by a Certified Acceptance Agent $100
ITIN Renewal Form Completion Only $25
Outgoing Domestic Wire Transfer $10
Outgoing International Wire Transfer $25
Incoming Domestic / International Wire Transfer $0
Verification of Deposit Request $0
Check Cashing Fee** $5
*Copies at no charge are available through LatinoConnect Online Access.
**This fee is waived if the member has a checking account with LCCU.

Processing of Items:

LCCU makes every effort to post items presented on your account in the following order:

  1. All Deposits and other Credits
  2. Preauthorized Debits* (lowest to highest)
  3. ACH Debits (lowest to highest)
  4. Checks (lowest to highest)


* Preauthorized debits are items that LCCU is obligated to pay because the debits were previously authorized based on your account balance at the time you performed the transaction. Preauthorized debits include debit card transactions, ATM withdrawals, account withdrawals performed in a branch and automatic funds transfers.

Funds Availability Policy:

Funds deposited to your account are generally available for immediate withdrawal.
Cash Deposit with Teller Same business day
Cash Deposit with ATM Same business day
Check Deposit with Teller* Same business day
Check Deposit with ATM Next business day
Direct Deposit Same business day
Wire Transfer Deposit Same business day
*If LCCU delays funds availability on a portion of a deposit made in a checking account, the first $225 of that deposit will be made available the same business day. A “business day” is a non-holiday weekday. The end of a business day is no earlier than 5:30 pm, except for ATM deposits.
Fees subject to change at the discretion of the Board of Directors.