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Mission: Promote financial literacy, affordable housing, and economic development for low-income Latino and other immigrant communities in North Carolina.

Latino Community Development Center (Latino CDC) firmly believes that financial literacy is only productive where there are affordable and accessible financial products and services available. Therefore, we:

  1. Strive to advance Latinos out of poverty and into the financial mainstream.
  2. Provide free and culturally appropriate financial education in English and Spanish, to members and non-members alike.
  3. Provide the field of membership for the credit union (members must join Latino CDC to access LCCU).


About Latino CDC

Latino CDC is a nonprofit organization created in 2002 as a grassroots response to address the specific financial literacy needs of recent Latino immigrants throughout North Carolina. Latino CDC and LCCU developed a multi-faceted financial education program to reach as many members as possible, accommodate various learning styles, and make financial services convenient and accessible. The free program includes workshops, educational videos offered online and in branches, and individual product counseling.

Latino CDC runs a series of workshops in 11 LCCU branches throughout North Carolina, as well as to a wide range of communities through strategic partnerships, with a graduation ceremony for those completing the series of workshops.

Impact of workshops infographic