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About Us

As a community development financial institution, LCCU is the ideal option for anyone searching for a solid and ethical financial institution of great value, as well as an opportunity to support their communities. Our primary mission is to provide our local communities with ethical financial products and education to empower them and to ensure economic opportunity for all. We also provide community-oriented individuals and organizations the opportunity to put their money where their heart is and make socially-responsible investments

Help us make a difference and put your money to work!

How did we get here?

Why do we do what we do?

Who are we?

What is LCDC?

How do members benefit?

What’s happening?

"Having my own house has been a significant change in my life. I take care of it, paint it myself and every day is great to know that my work goes toward paying for something that is mine and that will help my family build a future"
-Alarek Lemus member since 2006
Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) as certified by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
Low-income Credit Union designated by the NC Credit Union Division and the National Credit Union Administration.
Community Development Credit Union (CDCU) and member of the National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions.