Portal Virtual

Portal Virtual

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Información Importante para Solicitantes en Línea

During the application process, you will need to provide Your full legal name and physical address (or proof of address if the address on ID differs from current residence) Valid Social Security Number or ITIN (Individual Tax Identification Number) A valid government issued photo ID from any country Information on how to fund your new […]

Compara Hipotecas

Type Requirements Purchase & Refinance Fixed Rate Minimum Down Payment 10% or 20%   Credit History Requirements for Credit History will vary based on Product and LTV. Traditional Credit, Alternative Credit or a combination of Traditional and Alternative Credit may be used.   Work History At least 12 months. If self-employed, at least 24 months […]

Compara Cuentas Corrientes

  Description Minimum Balance Fees Regular Checking A convenient account with no minimum initial deposit $250 $0 with a minimum daily balance of $250, $2 if not Cash Account The best account for travelers or those looking to send money abroad. Just deposit some money, whenever you are ready to use it. N/A $2 monthly […]

Compara Cuentas de Ahorros

  Description Minimum Balance Fees Regular Savings Our Basic savings account with a $ 10 minimum initial deposit $10 $0 if minimum balance is maintained, $2 if not Holiday Savings Designed to help you save for the Holidays, this account has a minimum initial deposit of $10. The funds become available for your use at […]

Conozca a nuestros socios

Idalia Almendarez, member since 2001 “Latino Credit Union gave me a great opportunity with this loan.” Meet Idalia Adam Ishag, member since 2012 “They have taught me a lot, and never let the language difference become an impediment for them.” Meet Adam Christian Martinez, member since 2000 “I have all of my accounts with them. […]